Friday, June 26, 2015

There's a new Sheriff in Town

I was not able to fully complete the Twenty Things You Should Know About Your Boss handout we were assigned before arriving to ASU because I will have a new principal next year.

Actually, I only know three things about her.
She's a runner, she eats apples with peanut
butter and she's a healthy eater.  I was able to
attain that information from a conversation I had with my former Vice Principal.

Oh, I forgot three things, she has a great firm
handshake, she's a hugger and she is ball of energy.  I experienced all three first hand. Which, I appreciate.

Treasure T. Pickett, above is the new Principal at Oakleaf High School
in Orange Park, Florida

Moving forward, thanks to the Managing Your Boss session by Kirsten Gilger, I have a proven plan in place and plan on implementing it next week when we meet to discuss the future of the television production program next week.

More importantly,  I have several pieces of reference material to refer to and use as a guide to assist me in having a productive conversation.

This could not have come at a better time.

Bernice Young
Oakleaf High School
Orange Park, Florida

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about needing to know the principal in all the areas on the handout. It definitely made me aware that they are people, too, and even they have bad days. So, if we know more about their personality along with their values, we can better our professional relationships with them.
