Thursday, June 25, 2015

Seeing your kids do big things

I didn't start teaching journalism persuade kids to be journalists. Little by little though, as the program grew I started to see some go on to write in college. Then a few got jobs at small town papers.  Then some branched out and are graphic designers that make a lot more money than me. 

I tweeted tonight about my executive editor Cameron Love who is interning at the Huffington Post this summer.  He is also the editor-in-chief of Western Kentucky University's newspaper.  It's super cool to see success leave your classroom whether it's on the journalism route or not.  When they do persue it though, it's pretty cool.

Here is another of his graphics that ran.

Infographic by Cameron Love, Huffington Post
The moral of the story is that I started journalism with literally nothing.  There wasn't even a program.  Stick to it.  Keep pusing your kids.  You never know where some may end up.

Larry Steinmetz
Bullitt East High School
Mount Washington, KY

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