Friday, June 26, 2015

Lil green behind the...pages

I came here feeling pretty good. I mean, I have no Journalism training and had to teach myself. My students and I rocked our first two years, or so I thought.

Don't get me wrong--I'm still really proud of the work we did in establishing a school newspaper, finding a printing company, selling ads, writing, photography, etc. That being said, coming here has opened my eyes to all of my shortcomings as a journalism and yearbook teacher. So while I am proud of the progress I've made as a teacher of the paper and yearbook, I'm now excited to go back (after a restful summer) and "fix" all of the thousands of things that need fixed.

While I have gotten so very much while here, there is still a lot I'd like to learn. Below are points and resources I'm excited to learn. I also have some questions and absolutely WELCOME responses with answers. Thanks!

1) What do you use to get photos? Do your reporters meet with the photographer and tell them what they need or...? Do photographers write own captions?

2) Print paper, online paper, or both? And if hypothetically I can only do one, which one and why?

3) What are your newspaper "sections"?

4) LOVE this link: toolbox

5) Rule of 3. Do you use it? I will have to do "Rule of 2"--we're 2 weeks newspaper and 2 weeks yearbook.

6) We are not online now but these tips will be so useful when we are.

7) How do you use Storify?

8) Graphics for website

9) So for the best online publication, use and weebly for free?


11) Books to help with design: The Newspaper and Designer's Handbook

12) Inforgraphics (excited for this!!): infogram, piktochart, and everything on Alan's slides.

Those are but a few reminders/questions I have. I obviously left out 4,328 other items and will need to go home, go through my notes, and compile. I look forward to your answers. Please add other tidbits, tips, and answers. Thanks!

Calah Kulm
Warden High School
Warden, WA

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, and your excitement. I will be taking a lot of ideas back with me, too. However, I'm trying to decide what needs to be implemented immediately and what can wait and be added as 'baby steps'. The best advice that I received from a veteran teacher was to go to every workshop or seminar possible, so that is what I try to do even if it means spending my own money. It definitely helps network with other teachers.
