Friday, June 26, 2015

Walking the walk

I'm good at talking the talk, but my walk ... well.

I'm an alternative certified teacher. I went to school to be a journalist. I worked in a newsroom. I actually did all of the things I'm telling my students about. I don't regret my decision to transition into the classroom, but in the last few years I haven't challenged myself to keep doing journalism. Maybe a contest here and there, but no consistent practice in the field.

The Reynolds Institute has changed all that.

I see now how by not doing journalism I'm falling behind on my game. The speech story on Monday made my heart race, not with fear, but with excitement for something I used to do on the daily. The simulation on Wednesday made me remember trying to pull something together on deadline and how satisfying it is to get it in right on time.

I need to challenge myself in order to give my students the best teacher. I also can't expect them to do things I myself wouldn't do.

Every journalism teacher approaches this job differently. For me, I know that to do my best and feel like I'm giving my students' their money's worth (or parents' tax dollars) I need to push to keep learning, keep competing, keep living journalism.

Kelly Juntunen
Allen High School
Allen, Texas

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