Thursday, June 25, 2015

Reed v. Town of Gilbert

A few weeks ago, I was informed of the ongoing case of Reed v. Town of Gilbert. This particular case deals with improper signage laws in my community.  Gilbert is a fairly decent size suburb with over 230,000 people.  For a number of years, actually nearly a decade, Gilbert was the fastest growing city in the United States.  With the rapid growth, the town's policies and laws became somewhat convoluted.

In regards to this particular case Reed v. Town of Gilbert, there are something like 26 different rules which apply to signs, including temporary signs.  Good News Church uses my old elementary school as a place of worship.  They placed temporary signs around town to advertise, but was cited by the town for violating one of the 26 rules, specifically the length of time.  Countless political signs pollute our community for months on end every political cycle.  Contrast this against the church who was cited for leaving their signs up for longer than allowed, literally less than a week.

Seven years after the original filing, Reed and his church will have the same opportunity to promote their name and ideas, just like the local initiatives.

For more information about this case, including an embedded SoundCite clip, read the following link:

Esther Bateson
Basha High School
Chandler, AZ


  1. I grew up on a dot on a map. The town was tiny. Everyone knew everyone and my dad was the PRESIDENT of the school board. Needless to say, when it was time to go to college, I took off with enthusiasm. The big excitement for us was when we got a stop light in town. Granted it was a flashing yellow, but crazy exciting anyway.

  2. I teach in a town that has tripled in size since I got there. We have tons of laws that are antiquated, but the lawmakers won't do anything quickly. Glad to see some progress in your town. It gives me hope.

    Larry Steinmetz
    Bullitt East High School
    Mount Washington, KY
