Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Photography for Dummies by a... Dummy?

I came here with one piece of knowledge when it comes to photography: I know how to push "the button" to capture are an image. Apart from that, I had NO idea what all of the dials and buttons and other torture aspects of my camera were. I was blown away by how helpful some of my colleagues were--they probably felt a bit sorry for me but...I'll take that. :) As soon as they taught me a little tidbit, I'd pass it on to a fellow "dummy." By the end of this conference, I'm hoping to be promoted from dummy to slightly clueless.

Here's what I've learned (note: experts--please comment with more details; I'm hoping to make a 1-pager with some "cheats"):

1) White balance. On my Canon, it's a simple button titled "WB." This is my first stop. I need to let the camera know what environment I will be shooting in: cloudy, shade, daylight, etc.

2) Next I adjust the ISO. The better the natural light, the lower this number will be. The darker, the higher this number needs to be.

3) Adjust the dial (shooting mode?)

That about covers it. I have these 3 down and am ready for more info. Below is a cheat sheet for shutter speed. I don't get it. Besides, I'd rather hear from you and make my own. You know, the whole "I learn better if I'm doing" thing. Thanks!!

Calah Kulm
Warden High School
Warden, WA


  1. Calah, you rock. I came here thinking I knew something about photography, and ended up frustrated! Thank you for the cheat sheet...this is SO going to come in handy!

  2. Calah, you rock. I came here thinking I knew something about photography, and ended up frustrated! Thank you for the cheat sheet...this is SO going to come in handy!
