Monday, July 13, 2015

Are we carrying changing our history too far

With the decision to remove the Rebel and Confederate flags from government building, the rest of the history of the CSA is being discussed. Many articles, columns and blogs have discussed it. Facebook and other social media folks have commented.

This was my response to articles in the Dallas Morning News and other online media:

Statues were pulled down, photos doctored, history books changed. That is the legacy of the Soviet Union as people fell out of favor. History was altered as if it had never happened. It was wrong then and it is wrong now.

Please understand I am FOR the removal of the Confederate flag and the Rebel flag. They stand for many as symbols of hatred and division and racism. They should not be flown over any of our statehouses or public places. They are evil.

But we have gone way too far if we start taking down statues and portraits of generals who fought for the south. They were not evil men. They may not have even agreed with what the fight was about--state's rights or slavery. Still they fought valiantly for their country and countrymen.

Statues are part of our history, just as the memorials on the Washington Mall. They have been a part of our country's history and they document what happened. A statue does not say you have to agree with their beliefs.
The same is true for history books. We can and should acknowledge the War Between the States was heinous. Add fact but allow the reader to reflect on the meaning.
It is time we get our heads out of our rears and use them for thinking rationally. Let us not be those who erase history but rather acknowledge it happened and that many good people fought on both sides.

My two cents.

Judy Babb 
West Mesquite High School

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