Friday, June 26, 2015

Yo Stop, Collaborate and Listen

Sorry for that headline. You're welcome for the image.
In addition to looking forward to collaborating with everyone from this institute via social media (I don't Facebook though), I will take a lot of what I learned here to collaborate with the Yearbook and Media Productions class teachers. I have great relationships with both of the other teachers, so I hope to build a triumvirate at our school to further our publications programs.
I already have ideas to share photos with the yearbook program and to report on topics that the media productions classes cover but I wonder on following a model of this type of collaboration. I also don't want to sour my relationships by stepping on toes of either of these publications. My plan is to have a pre-semester meeting to discuss these issues with my colleagues.
Although today made me worry about the jargon word "collaboration," I truly want an exchange of ideas, goals, and strategies to build relationships and workflow structures to benefit our students.
Any suggestions?

Steve Whitman
Geneva High School
Geneva, Illinois


  1. Thanks Steve. This song is now going to be stuck in my head all night!!!

  2. "...Ice is back with a brand new edition. Something holds ahold of me tightly, flow like a hawk, daily and nightly. Will it ever stop?..."

    I can go on for dayzzzzz.

    I think that it's awesome that you have a great relationship with the other teachers. At my school, there is never more than one person that does anything similar. In other words, I'm it for this "type" of stuff! On one hand, it's nice because I'm the boss but I'd rather have people to work on (or would I?).

    Thanks for sharing!
