Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tweet a Little Tweet on Twitter

Video from YouTube

Micro-blogging has become one of the most prominent ways to stay connected with friends and receive information to enhance your knowledge.  Twitter is a social media forum were the skill of using 140 characters is tested.  

Twitter has allowed me to connect with people from all over the world.  

I love technology and wanted a way I could share that love of technology with the world around me.  In education we are faced with the reality of pursuing to engage our digital learners.  Everything has become so fast, so instant and we must evolve with the times.  Twitter can do just that!  

As I receive information that would help other teachers in their classrooms I use Twitter to get the information pushed out to my followers.  The tweets continue to drive traffic to my account on Twitter @rawkineducation.  

The session with Mike Reilley @journtoolbox was amazing because I was able to use to see where the traffic to my account was coming from, I discovered I have followers in India!

I should have known that I was a super tweeter when @elliott602az sat next to me at dinner ton the first day and mentioned that I must be the #serialtweeter at #reynasu. Come to find out I was the ruler of the land for having the most tweets.  So exciting.

I want to share with you the most important people I follow that have the greatest impact on my teaching.


These people are worth checking out! 

Heather Eaton
La Joya Community High School
Avondale, Arizona


  1. Now write this in 140 characters of fewer. Your tweeting added a great deal to these proceedings.

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University

  2. My staff used Twitter and Instagram the past two years. However, I don't think they always used it effectively, and I know they didn't use it often enough.
    I didn't understand it because I was avoiding the world of social media. I didn't even have facebook until last year. What am I, 90?! Oh, wait my 90-year-old aunt has a facebook page as active as mine, ha.
    So, I figured out Instagram a little this past year through our newspaper account. I opened a twitter account for the institute. Even though I don't have it all figured out, I see great value in it for staying informed and making connections. It's a bit like this week, though; it's total info overload. I'd rather have too much than not enough. I'm excited to develop a plan for my staff with my editors. I believe even though I am a #twitternewbie
    Andrea Lyons
    Marietta High
    Marietta, GA
