Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kids Don't Understand Deadlines

A couple of challenges this year have been motivating students to post their pitch online and meeting deadlines.  I use Wordpress for our publication partially because it was a part of my capstone project and also because I had not discussed SNO with my principal.

We used Google Drive and would keep a running list of pitch ideas over the six weeks.  This helped me with grading because I could always go back and match up the dates for their articles. I'm sure there are more efficient management systems and I'm looking forward to learning about them.  I also had a content manager who would go around and make sure everyone was on task. She was a huge help but unfortunately had to drop the class to receive help pass her tests.

Now meeting deadlines... I've been in discussions with colleagues and classmates about how to get students to meed deadlines with quality work.  This is a school wide issue as well.  I have had some success in putting them in competition with each other with a small reward but that didn't last long.  I think next year I'll have a progress wall so they can visually see how many times they get published over the year.  

Victoria Tijerina
Moises E Molina High School
Dallas, Texas

1 comment:

  1. This seems like it would be a huge struggle. While my students are not always influenced by grades or even reprimands from me, sometimes its other things. When one person is keeping the page from going to print, the other people in their group are free to tell them how disappointed they are with them. When their peers are upset, that usually has more weight then when I'm upset.
    Another big influence on meeting deadlines, is when they hold that finished product in their hands. If you're only online, that's going to be difficult. Maybe the deadline is when you email out your paper to the school. Then you can share any compliments and page views the next day with your staff. There has to be some reward for their work. Good luck.
