Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ode to the Layout Gods...

Oh Layout Gods...why doest though hate me so? Why cant thee bless yee students with the most bountiful gifts of motivation and time?

Blah blah blah. Seriously though--I do the layout. I do it all. It probably takes me about 15 hours total and I can't stop until it's perfect. Those of you who aren't gluttons like me are probably asking yourselves: why?!?! Here's why: I'm Type-A and if it's not 100% perfect, it's not going to print. I know. I know. That's insane and trust me, it's a personal issue I'm working on. And for the record, I DID have 2 Layout Editors but an hour a day to do the layout, isn't enough. And they couldn't come outside of class because they had cheerleading practice. Had to babysit. Had a project. Didn't have a ride. President Obama was coming for dinner. They had to birth a calf. When they could do it, they left 3-inch margins and put a sport story in the Editorial section. I grew frustrated teaching them over and over--clearly I did a poor job of helping them. So I did it. I did it all. I'm done.

This next year, I'm switching to new software that is online so ANYBODY can access it at any place. I have GOT to do a better job training them and supporting them. They are these amazing people who can rise to any occasion if just given the chance. Well, this is their chance. This year. I'm so excited for them to learn this new skill.

How do you all organize this? I was thinking of having each section editor in charge of their own layout. Or would it be better to have a Layout Editor? Thanks.

I found the below list of staff positions. However, I also need A&E Editor, Sports Editor, Editorial Editor, Feature Editor Puff Editor, and Social Media Editor. Will there be enough students left to be reporters?

Calah Kulm
Warden High School
Warden, WA

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