Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Buckets are Full

My Buckets are Full

When I received the email about the Reynold’s High School Journalism Institute I had no idea it would change my life as a journalism teacher.  I am very nerdy and love professional development.  So I eagerly filled out my application and chose to attend the Institute at Walter Cronkite.  I figured, “Hey it’s close to home and I won’t have to pay for a hotel or airfare.”

It wasn’t until Anita sent out the information for us to book our airfare that I realized the entire Institute was paid for in full.  

Although, I stayed close to home and only drove 30 minutes to downtown I am so grateful for ALL of the friendships that were fostered at the Institute.  The level of instruction coming from the industry professionals was top notch. The amount of skills we have been taught over the online modules and the seat time is priceless.  I would recommend this program to anyone willing to accept the challenge.

As we all say our good-byes we can find comfort in knowing that we have done everything in our power to fill our buckets and the buckets of others.  We filled them with knowledge, teaching tips, strategies, solutions and friendships. No one can take this from us…not even the IRS. 

I challenge each and every one of us to take our buckets back to our states and begin to pour and fill the buckets of those around us. 

Thank you to each and every one of you that filled my bucket this week I am forever grateful.

Heather Eaton
La Joya Community High School
Avondale, Arizona


  1. So glad you took part, Heather.

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University

  2. I, too, feel full in many ways. Yes, I ate a lot, but my brain is as full as it has ever been, and my heart is feeling full as well.
    I'm not even really sure how I stumbled upon the invite to the institute and I've since realized how fortunate I am to have not only seen it but to have been selected. I had so many resources to be plugged in to and I had no idea. I think I was overwhelmed with too many resources, so I simplified and have just been hanging on doing the best I can.
    I am a total island at my school. We are the only high school in our district, so I have no print journalism teacher to collaborate with. I've been to a few GSPA (Georgia Scholastic Press Assoc) conferences, but I've not followed up or been involved as I could've or should've been.
    I am one to look back and get paralyzed by what I could've/should've, and I feel the complete opposite will occur this year. I am going to reach out to JEA, NSPA, GSPA and others and really get involved to grow in journalism.
    The institute filled me with a great deal of information that I am incredibly thankful for, but I am so filled with inspiration, I could explode.
    Added bonus- meeting great people like you who care as much as I do!
    Andrea Lyon
    Marietta High
    Marietta, GA
